Though motherhood is not an easy task, but being a mother of a special child is especially a little different and difficult for any woman in the world. She faces a different challenge almost every day. Yet, within the trials of this journey, lies opportunities for growth, resilience, and triumphs that redefine the meaning of motherhood. So, let’s see, the journey of Challenges to Triumphs: A Mother's Guide to Raising a Special Child.

Embrace unique voyage:
As soon as a mother gets to know the special condition of her child either in her womb or in the process of upbringing, her motherhood journey also changes altogether. So, whenever a mother gets the news that her child is a Child with Special Needs, she realises the challenges that can manifest themselves during motherhood beforehand. So, she should embrace wholeheartedly her voyage of unique parenting.
Strong Support System:
Motherhood is very unique for the mother of the specially-abled child. In this situation, she should become a support system for her child. The Support System of Specially Abled Child should have,
1. Guidance form Professional Expert
2. Help from family members.
Celebrate Small Wins:
Children with special needs live their life in different ways. Whatever they do can be very unique for them all the time. Whenever a special child does anything on his/her own, the mother needs to celebrate it as a major victory for them. For them, every step the child takes becomes the cause of recognition. It could be a new word spoken, a skill they acquire or a milestone they achieved without or with minimum support.
Encourage Open Dialogue:
Communication becomes an essential ingredient in the journey of motherhood of special-abled children all the time. This not only evolves the trust and understanding between the mother and the child but also sows the seed of confidence in the child too. It enables the mother to better know their child's inners, unspoken and unexpressed feelings, needs, fears, and joys clearly.
Versatility and Resilience:
Versatility and Resilience are the core elements which need to be carried out at all the time by the mother of a child with special needs. At any moment of the day, the plan needs to be changed without any pre-warning, in this situation versatility plays an important role. Similarly, by embracing resilience, these mothers can make an environment that nurtures adaptability in both themselves and their children.
Advocate of Your Child:
The mothers of children with special needs play the role of advocating for their children throughout their lives. They know the special requirements of their child better than anyone, so only they can help in finding the answers to their special queries.
Embrace Self-Care:
Leading a disciplined life is a dream of the special child’s mother. Setting the priority of self-care is not a crime for anyone and they are not an exception to this rule. You need to take out some time for your personal well-being and as a result you can get a fresh mind and spirit all the time. To do this, you may sit down and read your favourite book, listen to the favourite song or visit the parlour.
At the End:
Overcoming the challenges during the motherhood of a special-abled child's mother always emerged victorious. By taking these steps, the special mothers can move on the path of motherhood with love, and a profound sense of achievement. ORHCW is an organization which helps the children with special needs, and also the mothers of these children.